The “I LOVE ME” cape - A new entry in the VOICEAT house


La mantella “I LOVE ME” - Una new entry in casa VOICEAT
The new "I love me" cape by Voiceat, soft and elegant , strictly Made in Italy and tailor-made, is characterized by its soft colours, beige in particular with burnt brown profiles and collar and the indispensable gold touch of the jewel plate

VOICEAT brings the CAPE and Italian tailoring to the fore


VOICEAT porta alla ribalta la MANTELLA e la sartorialità italiana

A must -have accessory in every woman's wardrobe , the cape is a well-known expression of class and elegance but no less - in the evolutionary game that has accompanied it over the centuries - of charm and mystery . He wrapped the ancient Greeks and Roman ancestors with precious drapes, but also the emperors and empresses of distant times whose echoes also reach us from the tales of classical texts and iconography. In particular, the imperial chlamys was worn by victorious generals or emperors and empresses . It was woven with gold and made of purple silk ; long...